- Long War Training Roulette Ini 2
- Long War Training Roulette Ini Online
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Long War Training Roulette Ini 2
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- Page 37 of 43 - Long War mod discussion - posted in XCOM Mod Talk: loving the mod so far. Maybe its just me but i have not been able to get the mod Rig the Roulette Wheel to show up for Long War EW 13. Anyone able to do it? Or has it been done and i missed it somewhere? Or is there a feature in game to do so?
Long War Snipers are akin to the vanilla Sniper. With Squadsight as their first ability, they're able to inflict long range damage on enemy targets from a position of safety. Note that the Long War version of the perk does not function alongside Overwatch, unlike its base-game counterpart.
- Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifles, Marksman Rifles, Assault Rifles, Carbines, SMGs.
- Secondary Weapon: Pistols, Machine Pistols.
- Class-Limited items: Alloy Bipod, Sniper Rifles.
Long War Training Roulette Ini Online
Rank | Ability | ||
團隊視野(Squadsight) 擁有此技能可攻擊在隊友視野內且在武器射程中的目標,攻擊時爆擊率將減少20%。此技能可提升中距離武器(MEC主武器、神射手步槍類型、強襲步槍類型、輕機槍類型的武器)的射程達5格左右,狙擊槍射程變為無限遠。除了神射手步槍(Marksman's Rifle)和強襲步槍(Strike Rifles)類型的武器外,由「監視」所發動的「警戒射擊」無法獲得團隊視野的延伸射程。' Allows firing at targets in any ally's sight radius within weapon range, but critical chance suffers a -20% penalty. Extended range weapons (MEC primary weapons, Marksman and Strike Rifles, and LMGs) gain roughly five extra tiles range. Sniper rifles have infinite range. Overwatch fire does not extend to squadsight ranges, except with Marksman's and Strike Rifles. | |||
No other bonuses. | |||
准下士 (Lance Corporal) | 華麗低調(Low Profile) 半身掩體(partial cover)提供的防禦加成與完整掩體(full cover)相同。 (Makes partial cover grant the defense bonus of full cover.) | 死亡之眼(Deadeye) 對飛行中的單位攻擊時,命中(aim)提升15點。 (Confers +15 aim against flying targets.) | 孤高獨狼(Lone Wolf) 與隊友的距離在7格以外, 命中與爆擊率+10 (+10 Aim and Critical Chance if not within 7 tiles of an allied unit.) |
No other bonuses. | No other bonuses. | No other bonuses. | |
破壞一擊(Disabling Shot) 使用狙擊槍類的武器(sniper rifles)發射時可導致敵方目標的主武器故障。敵人可以使用「裝填」(Reload)修復故障的主武器。。2回合冷卻,無法造成爆擊。 (Allows sniper rifles to fire a shot that causes the target's main weapon to malfunction. The target may use Reload to fix the weapon. 2 turn cooldown. Cannot cause critical hits.) | 爆頭一擊(Precision Shot) 使用狙擊槍或長步槍(sniper/long rifles)無視遠距離攻擊時的爆擊減益,增加30%爆擊率,且隨著武器科技等級增加而提升爆擊傷害(彈道/雷射/高斯 +2傷害,脈衝+3傷害,電漿+4傷害)。神射手步槍和強襲步槍類別的武器(Marksman's and Strike Rifles)則沒有開火距離限制,但也沒有其他增益。2回合冷卻。' (With sniper/long rifles, fire a shot that ignores squadsight critical penalties, has an additional +30% critical chance, and provides extra damage on critical hits based on the soldier's weapon tech level (+2 for ballistic/laser/gauss, +3 for pulse, +4 for plasma). With marksman's and strike rifles, allows an unlimited range shot with no other bonuses. 2 turn cooldown.) | 突施冷箭(Snap Shot) 對狙擊兵(Sniper)而言,在消耗行動點數後依然可以使用狙擊槍「開火」(firing)和「監視」(Overwatch)。但所有的射擊的命中均-10。對於觸發「突施冷箭」的火箭兵(rocketeers)而言,在消耗行動點數後發射火箭的命中減益將被減少。 (For snipers, removes the sniper rifle's restriction on firing and Overwatch after taking a costly action. Any shots taken after using any costly action suffer a -10 Aim penalty. For rocketeers, reduces the aim penalty for launching a rocket after taking a costly action.) | |
No other bonuses. | No other bonuses. | No other bonuses. | |
中士 (Sergeant) | 登高遠眺(Damn Good Ground) 與「低位」敵人交戰時,除一般的高度加成外,命中+10, 防禦+10 (Confers +10 Aim and +10 Defense against enemies at lower elevation, in addition to the usual elevation bonuses.) | 孤膽槍手(Ranger) 主武器、火箭發射器、MEC第二武器(MEC secondary weapons)與副手武器(sidearms)傷害+1,並且取消副手武器在射擊超過14米外目標的命中懲罰。 (Confers +1 damage with primary weapons, rocket launchers and MEC secondary weapons and sidearms. Negates the long-range accuracy penalty with sidearms when shooting beyond 14 meters.) | 貫穿射擊(Sharpshooter) 爆擊率(crtical chance)永久+10,攻擊處於完整掩體中(in full cover)的敵人時,命中+10。 (+10 critical chance in all situations, +10 Aim against enemies in full cover.) |
+2 Will. | No other bonuses. | No other bonuses. | |
處刑之人(Executioner) 攻擊生命值低於50%的目標時,命中+10,爆擊率+10 。 (Confers +10 aim and +10 critical chance against targets at or below 50% health.) | 瞄準要害(Vital Point Targeting) 使用主武器對人類與解剖過的外星人將增加2點基礎傷害(base damage),副武器(sidearms)則增加1點基礎傷害。 (Confers 2 bonus damage with primary guns, and +1 damage with sidearms, against humans and alien targets whose species have been autopsied.) | 不動如山(Platform Stability) 射擊前未消耗行動點數,命中+10, 爆擊率+10% (Shots taken before any costly actions have +10 Aim and +10% critical chance.) | |
No other bonuses. | No other bonuses. | No other bonuses. | |
槍炮長 (Gunnery Sergeant) | 戰術素養(Tactical Sense) 視野中每存在1名敵人,防禦力便+5 (最大+20)。 (Confers +5 Defense per enemy in sight (max +20).) | 一起上吧(Bring 'Em On) 爆擊時可增加1~4的額外傷害(此傷害值會因為爆擊而多50%). 當視野中存在越多敵人時(包含團隊視野),爆擊傷害提升越多。1~2名敵人,+1.5傷害;3~4名敵人,+3傷害;5~6名敵人,+4.5傷害;7名以上敵人,+6傷害。 (Confers 1-4 bonus damage during critical hits (which is then multiplied by 50% due to the critical hit). The damage is higher when more enemies are in view (including squad sight vision). This results in +1.5 dmg for 1-2 enemies, +3 dmg for 3-4 enemies, +4.5 dmg for 5-6 enemies, +6 dmg for 7 or more enemies.) | 快速填彈(Lock N' Load) 主武器在彈藥耗盡前提供額外一次射擊,且每回合的第一個動作為裝填主武器時不會結束回合。 (Primary weapons receive one additional shot or burst before a reload is required, and you may reload your primary weapon as the first action of your turn without ending the turn.) |
No other bonuses. | No other bonuses. | No other bonuses. | |
絕命地帶(In The Zone) 使用主武器擊殺側翼曝露(flanked)或無掩體(uncovered)的目標時不消耗行動力。連續觸發絕命地帶時每次均會減少爆擊率10%與基礎傷害1點。 (Killing a flanked or uncovered target does not cost an action. Confers a -1 base damage and -10% critical hit chance penalty for each successive In The Zone kill.) | 暴力美學(Mayhem) 為「強力壓制」(Suppression)提供額外2點傷害,所有班用自動武器或輕機槍類型武器(SAW-and LMG-series weapons)、爆炸型手榴彈、感應式地雷和所有類型的火箭彈增加2點傷害。狙擊步槍、長步槍、神射手步槍、強襲步槍或反射步槍時進行一般射擊或「爆頭一擊」(Precision Shot)將增加4點傷害。' (Confers +2 damage for suppression, SAWs, LMGs, explosive grenades, proximity mines and rocket launchers. Confers +4 damage for sniper and long rifles, marksman's, strike and reflex rifles using Standard Shot or Precision Shot.) | 二次行動(Double Tap) 單位尚未消耗行動點數前,如果第一點行動點數用在普通射擊(Standard Shot)、「爆頭一擊」(Precision Shot)或「破壞一擊」(Disabling Shot)、或「熱血洶湧」(Flush),則第二點行動點數可用於普通射擊(Standard Shot)、「爆頭一擊」(Precision Shot)或「破壞一擊」(Disabling Shot)。1回合冷卻。 (Allows a second action restricted to Standard Shot, Precision Shot, or Disabling Shot as long as the first action was a Standard Shot, Precision Shot, Disabling Shot, or Flush provided no costly actions were taken. 1 turn cooldown.) | |
No other bonuses. | +2 Aim. | No other bonuses. |
Let's Play XCom xcom damage roulette long war.Damage Randomization. Mod that alters Training Roulette xcom damage roulette long war to add more of an experience to. Make sure you are using the default LW DGC ini file for the installation.XCOM: Long War - The Roulette - Episode 06. Fan Feed; Re: Second Wave Options.
Stat Progression
Rank | 生命增加值 | 生命總共增加 | 命中增加值 | 命中總共增加 | 意志增加值 | 意志總共增加 |
技術士(Specialist) | 0 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 5(6) | 5(-6) |
准下士(Lance Corporal) | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 5(6) | 10(-12) |
下士(Corporal) | 1 | 1 | 4 | 12 | 3(4) | 13(-16) |
中士(Sergeant) | 0 | 1 | 4 | 16 | 2(3) | 15(-19) |
上士(Tech Sergeant) | 0 | 1 | 4 | 20 | 2(3) | 17(-22) |
槍炮長(Gunnery Sergeant) | 0 | 1 | 4 | 24 | 2(3) | 19(-25) |
二等士官長(Master Sergeant) | 1 | 2 | 4 | 28 | 2(3) | 21(-28) |
- Note that, even without Hidden Potential turned on, there is a chance of gaining 1 extra will per level (shown in parentheses above). Psionic soldiers can also gain 1-6 extra will per psi level (
1 + rand(6)
Tactical Advice
Long War Snipers are quite similar to vanilla Squadsight snipers, but there are a few differences. Overwatch only works up to limited range, even with Squadsight, and snipers no longer have access to the Opportunist perk, making them considerably less good defensively - you'll find snipers can't demolish enemy packs on sight before they can even take cover like they can in vanilla. Squadsight is gained immediately and unconditionally, so the role of 'snap shot' skirmishing snipers is filled by snipers with a Marksman Rifles and the Scout. With In The Zone and Double Tap, snipers are some of your highest damage soldiers. Watch your ammo consumption with Double Tap and ITZ; high cap mags are a good item for them.
Snipers can use sniper rifles, which act like vanilla sniper rifles, and only allow firing if the user hasn't moved unless they are Snap Shot trained, but they can also use Marksman Rifles, which are shorter range sniper rifles that can be fired after moving. Snipers can use assault rifles as well, but this isn't particularly useful in practice, since the Infantry class generally performs better with assault rifles. As in vanilla, Snipers gain the most aim per rank, ending with 7 more aim than any other class at Master Sergeant.
The three main 'trick' shots, Precision Shot (aka: Headshot), Disabling Shot, and Snapshot are now all on the same tier of Corporal, and thus, mutually exclusive. Disablers help out greatly for doing alien captures and temporarily negating dangerous threats, Precision Shooters are for bringing down heavy alien units, and Snapshot Snipers can hit with flexibility. You may want to customize their names to easily distinguish between them in the Barracks and squad deployment screens (for example: #eadshot, Dis@bling, and $napshot, and putting #, @, or $ at the start of their first name).
If Training Roulette is chosen, a lot of the same advice applies as in Vanilla, plus the various altered/custom Long War abilities (eg: 'Lock N' Load' does NOT allow for firing the Sniper Rifle weapons after reloading, as it consumes the first action of a turn: you can still use Steady Weapon, or their pistol slot weapon, instead.
Sample Builds
In the Zone Cleaner
Role: Long Range Offense
Classic In the Zone build - finish off multiple (up to 8, in theory) weakened and exposed enemies each turn, from the back line or in the air. Relies on cover destruction to expose enemies and bring their health into range of a guaranteed kill, especially as each kill with ITZ reduces the next shot's damage by 1 and critical chance by 10%. Snapshot and Lock N' Load allow a string of kills followed by reloading and continuing the chain, especially useful with the Gauss Sniper Rifle's small magazine. Ranger and Vital Point Targeting give reliable damage over crit chance, which is essential in planning an ITZ chain. Snap Shot allows reloading and more firing, as well as repositioning to get more flanks.
Sample Sniper:Lone Wolf -> SnapShot -> Ranger -> Vital Point Targeting-> Lock N' Load -> In The Zone.
Note: Lock N' Load can be used to continue an ITZ chain after the original magazine is emptied. As Lock N' Load only works together with Snap Shot (you cannot shoot after taking a costly action, reloading included), the two perks go together. When using ITZ, use explosives to remove the cover of aliens. Use ITZ to clean up the exposed aliens. Flying targets also count as exposed.
Role: Long Range Offense.
The Sniper in this role stays behind and relies on its Squad Sight. It is the classical 'one shot - one kill' role where you focus on doing maximum damage per shot and landing every possible shot. For this, high aim soldiers are preferred and perks are centered around gaining more aim and damage. Can guarantee a kill against a squishy enemy every turn, or crack a seemingly invulnerable late-game mech enemy.
Sample Sniper:Lone Wolf -> Precision Shot -> Ranger -> Vital Point Targeting -> Bring 'Em On -> Mayhem.
Note: Ranger + VPT + Mayhem provide you with +7 average damage, which should be enough to guarantee you one shot kills even without a critical. Precision Shot and Lone Wolf provide you with additional critical chance, which get boosted damage from Bring 'Em On. Precision Shot adds extra damage on crits. With flying armor and the Depth Perception Gene Mod, this sniper can achieve close to 100% critical chance on regular shots against exposed enemies.
Double Tap Crit Monster
Role: Long Range Offense.
A sniper that prefers to dish out two high damage crit shots each turn, versus one extreme damage shot. Kill two squishy enemies each turn, or focus both shots on one tough enemy. Potentially highest damage output of all builds, but has to stop to reload often. Give him flying armor and Depth Perception late game to rain death down on the battlefield.
Sample Sniper:Lone wolf -> Precision Shot -> Sharpshooter -> Platform Stability -> Bring 'Em On -> Double Tap
The Most Interesting Sniper in the World
Role: Mid to Long Range Offense, Cleanup and Utility
See classic In the Zone build, but with Disabling Shot and a Marksman Rifle. Disabling Shot is arguably the best control perk in the game, completely neutralizing some of the most dangerous enemies in the game for a turn, and is too good to give up. Using the Marksman Rifle ensures the sniper won't have blocked Line of Sight in a moment of desperate need. It also allows the build to use In the Zone without Snapshot, and allows moving and shooting without an accuracy penalty. Requires careful planning to keep enemies out of range, but within the +5 tile Squadsight range of the Marksman Rifle.
Sample Sniper:Deadeye -> Disabling Shot -> Ranger -> Vital Point Targeting-> Lock N' Load -> In The Zone.
Note: Deadeye is especially useful on higher difficulties, when the extreme defenses of flying units make them very difficult for hit. Especially useful to reliably clean up swarms of Floaters or Drones with ITZ.
Long War Training Roulette Ini Youtube
Role: Mid to Long Range Offense, with Utility in Disabling Shot
Long War Training Roulette Ini 1
A sniper that can play at mid or long range, and can save the squad with a clutch Disabling Shot to take a Cyberdisc or Mectoid out of commission for a turn. Low Profile and Tactical Sense allow safe use of the Marksman Rifle to get closer and in position to land a crucial shot.
Sample Sniper:Low Profile -> Disabling Shot -> Ranger -> Vital Point Targeting -> Tactical Sense -> Double Tap