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Always loved Samurai Jack, so made an OC from the series. The idea of the character is another potential lover for Jack. A royal princess from another land that is meant to be presented to Jack as a means of an arranged marriage, which of course doesn’t sit well with Jack since he’s still getting over the loss of Ashi. Samurai Jack Epic hoodie - Jack anime clothes. The best quality clothing in anime including hoodies, t-shirts, jumpers and more. Best gaming, dragon ball, demon hunter and more items. Check out all of our printed clothes. Samurai Jack is an awesome anime and we want to provide something that let you enjoy your favorite. Ashi was a former antagonist and later deuteragonist during Season 5 of Samurai Jack. She was born and raised as a member of the Daughters of Aku, seven sisters who served as assassins attempting to kill Jack. She would later become the only surviving member and unwillingly accompany Jack.


Given that the series revolves around a Black and White Morality (the white part is from Jack and most of his allies), it is not surprising that the black part of this show crosses so many lines.
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- There is a strong debate to mention what is the most absolutely monstrous thing Aku has ever done. Just check out some of his most notable candidates:
- In 'The Birth of Evil' (pictured right), when the birth of Aku occurs (being before a small fragment of a mindless evil), the creature becomes even worse. Gaining intelligence and sapience, he forces the Emperor (Jack's father) to watch his beloved kingdombe destroyed and put on fire with a sadistic laugh.
- Once Aku takes over of the world, he turns the world into a corrupt monarchy with crimes such as genocide against any nation that opposes him, torture and ill-treatment of detained people in his regime, permission to abuse of power in the police forces, excessive punishments for minor infractions, animal cruelty, legal slavery, and the fact that he welcomes wanted gangsters and outlaws from across the galaxy and provides them with areas that are still fully occupied, entrusting the new arrivals to wipe the populaces from the earth. Even scarier is knowing that all thisis a routine occurrence under Aku's rule. So yeah, he crossed the line between keeping his corrupt regime and outright sadism.
- In 'XVCI', an entire village of alien children are kidnapped and forced into a violent frenzy against everything around them. However, it's never specifically stated that this was on Aku's orders. The episode largely deals with coming to terms with Aku's effects on the world so it's a safe bet that he is affiliated with the Dominator (the mastermind behind this monstrous plan). If this was under Aku's orders, then yeah, it's probably one of the most repugnant acts involving him. In the same episode, also crosses it with the murder of The Scotsman. Even worse was that Aku had intended to slaughter every last one of the Scotsman's daughters, and would have had their father not intervened.
- In the penultimate episode, he forces his own daughter Ashi to fight Jack and eventually corrupts her body, putting her in a And I Must Scream as she is aware of her actions in her corrupted form. And to make this worse, he had just met her and is quickly made aware of Jack's and her feelings for each other.
- In the final episode, Aku manages to kill almost all of Jack's allies, including the Triceraquins, the Ravers, the bird from 'XCVII', the Monkey Man, the Three Blind Archers, Rothschild, and the Woolies. And finally, he tries to kill his own daughter when she refuses to kill Jack.
- The Minions of Aku crossed it with their casual sadism and abuse of power in Aku's regime.
- The Chritchellites crossed it with their their conquest and brutal enslavement of the peaceful Woolies.
- Demongo the Soul Collector crossed it with his enslavement of hundreds of warriors, forcing them to fight against their will for him.
- The Demonic Spirit, from 'XXXV', is perhaps the darkest (and most unsettling) character who ever appeared in the first 4 seasons. After devouring the souls of Kuni's family (a little girl), the demon lets Kuni solely to use her as bait to lure in more victims while the girl is obviously anguished and crying. When Jack is transported to its dimension, we found that it had devoured the souls of a lot of people. Then we wonder how long this thing has been doing this. Worse, no reason is ever given for its actions.
- Probably worse is that there is no implication that he was created and/or is in league with Aku. So he's doing it out of his own pleasure.
- Scaramouche the Merciless crosses this as soon as he appears, casually massacring an entire village (of innocent men, women, and children) just to draw out Jack from hiding.
- The High Priestess crossed it with the ruthless and inhumane training of her own daughters, turning them into bloodthirsty killers.
- A flashback in the sixth episode makes this worse, where a cruel ritual is shown where she made them bathe in a symbiotic-type substance, creating, in effect, glorified Body Paint that is burned into their skin in order to 'become one with the darkness.' It clearly didn't look pleasant, and Ashi is shown screaming in agony.
- Later on, she tries to kill Ashi simply for refusing to kill Jack. Thankfully, Ashi is able to turn the tables and kill the High Priestess.
- In fact, anyone who ever worked with Aku is a potential candidate for this trope. For example: In 'XCVI', when an extraterrestrial outlaw arrives on planet Earth, because he's been banished from his homeworld for his crimes, he is assigned a residence in a populated town full of innocent people, with the view monitor explicitly focusing on the children. At first, he is confused because it's occupied, then the greeter indignantly asks if it will be a problem, and the criminal sports a devilish look on his face and saying 'No... no problem.' Right after that, he happily agrees to the assignment, and we all know what's gonna happen next...
- The Dominator is easily the cruelest, most brutal human who ever appeared in the series. He crosses it in 'XCVI', decimating a helpless, defenseless town just to start his plan.
- If he did not cross it with this heinous act, he definitely crossed it with The Reveal that he kidnapped the children of the massacred town so that he could, well, use them as weapons and energy source, and as if that was not enough, he forces them into a violent frenzy with mind control against everything around them. When Jack and Ashi came to their rescue, he uses mind control to make them attack Jack, knowing he'd be unwilling to fight innocent people against their will. And then he tried to torture and kill Ashi with several thousand volts of electricity for sick kicks.
- Although it is debatable if this creature is aware of its actions, Lazarus-92 probably crossed it as soon as it appears, possibly slaughtering an entire crew and passengers of a spaceship.